Thursday, March 24, 2016

Population Growth will Cause the End of Trappers

  As our population reaches new heights, land once used for wildlife and farming will be lost. Forests and fields will fall, a new order will rise: Urban Sprawl! Our birth rate though is decreasing, that means our main cause of population growth is immigration. This clip from Lord of the Rings sums it up well!
         Don't just take it from me, read this clip from the Bloomberg article talking about the increase of population and its source.

"Trump supporters, hold your ears: Some of the rise in the U.S. population last year was due to international migration. According to Census bureau data, net international migration in the U.S. as a percentage of total 2014 population was 0.36 percent in the 12 months ended July 1, 2015, with Hawaii more than double that rate at 0.71 percent. A total of seven states — New York, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland and Hawaii — saw net international migration of more than 0.5 percent of their total populations. West Virginia and Montana saw the smallest inflow of new international residents, each with just 0.07 percent. No states ended the one-year period with net outflow abroad."   

Why would that mater to trapping though. Slowly but surely as more and more arrive our once  vasts land will be covered with houses, schools, roads, factories and  of course suburbs!   This will endanger many species including furbearers such as the Florida panther, fisher, marten and other wonderful species. Not only that but the people who are usually immigrating to US(not all) don't care about trapping and vote Democrat. That means more votes for the liberal and globalist party that will further erode our trapping rights! Go to NumberUSA and become involved to let our representatives know that we want lower immigration levels to save our vast open spaces    

Thursday, March 17, 2016

RNC Betrays the American People

      With elections coming up, I wanted to write a bit on this. Though not directly an issue on trapping, it stills affects all of us (including trappers). We need to defeat globalism(UN), which puts regulations on traps! Donald Trump is not a globalist, and the globalists hate him and what he stands for. The Republican National Commitee and even alot of conservatives have ties to globalism, even Ted Cruz.

     Donald Trump is the only candidate that will fight the globalist agenda. There are forces at work to attack our national sovereignty. Trump is against unfair trade deals, invading and inviting the world. He had major victories yesterday, even beat Marco in his home state of Florida. He is clearly ahead and will most likely win the plurality(at least)of delegates.

     What is worrisome is that many Republican neocon establishment people, will go for Hillary over Trump. They will pull dirty tricks to stop the Trump Train. Cruz needs to drop out and endorse Trump, in eight years he will be 53 young enough to run  for president multiple times. This way Trump got the deleagtes needed and prevent the RNC from conning him, and put in Romney as the nominee.

Thank you

Monday, March 14, 2016

New Mexico Defends Trapping!

"Senate Bill 253, which proposed banning coyote contests, and House Bill 426, which would have banned trapping on public lands and the barter of raw furs, were both defeated by an overwhelming 8-2 votes.
Both pieces of legislation carried significant negative consequences for sportsmen and wildlife management in the state of New Mexico. Numerous hunters, trappers and sportsmen showed up at the committee hearing to voice their opposition to these measures.
“We applaud the committee for the actions taken today to defeat these bills,” said Adam Wright, USSA’s associate director of state services. “It is encouraging to see what can happen when sportsmen stand together and fight for their outdoor heritage and responsible wildlife management."
This is great news! New Mexico chose wisely and let us hope trappers can keep defending trapping nationwide!
It is imperative that we make our voice heard and make sure we speak out in favor of conservation, sound management and wildlife to our local, state and federal officials.
We are losing many battles, especially on bobact trapping in which many states are banning or have banned it. Make sure you tell your government officials to protect bobcat trapping! Be polite if you call or write to them and have sources for the information. Many conservation associations are pro-trapping such as the Conservation fund and the Wildlife Society, not to be confused with the World Widlife Fund.
Thank you

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Anti-Trump Protesters Resemble (Some Might be) Anti-Trappers

     As you may have heard Donald Trump rallies have been under attack by leftists, particularly Bernie Sanders supporters. The protesters who seem to act like a radical militia bent on destroying freedom of speech, have disrupted and even got one of Trump's rallies canceled in Chicago. Protesters were highly coordinated in their attacks. Many were funded and led on by a foundation started by George Soros(huge globalist).

     How is this related to trapping? Well directly...No but in the long run...Yes. They are undermining our freedom of speech and chipping it away a little at a time every day. Not only that but harsh violence being displayed by the Trumphobes in Chicago, is similar to the anti-fur crowd. They attack people with fur clothing, and commit other forms of indecency and profanity towards people. These antis are one of the reasons along with a failing Russian economy, that fur prices are not what they used to be.

     Although Donald Trump's election may not directly affect our traditions, which is okay because the federal government needs not to be involved in trapping. His election may prove helpful to the fur trade because his friendly attitude towards Russia, may improve Russian economy if he is elected. Also having a conservative economist and patriot in the White House would be GREAT to make America Great Again.

Thank you

Saturday, March 12, 2016

National Geographic LIES or is Ignorant on Trapping

     National Geographic who is renown for being anti-Christian and anti-conservative. Their only good quality is their photography, just like most "science" is run by leftists, evolutionists and the media hypes. As many science or  environmentalist groups they are sellouts and anti-trappers. Wether pressured by the antis or shrouded by ignorants. Rachael Bale used phony facts and non-truths to promote the radical animal rights folks.

Here is a qoute from this article,
    "When I think of fur trappers, I imagine a frontiersman in a coonskin cap paddling his canoe full of beaver pelts down the Hudson River. But when reporter Tom Knudson thinks of trapping, it’s a guy trudging into a forest in Nevada, or some other Western state, to set a steel-jaw trap for a bobcat.
Knudson just published an investigation for Reveal, the publishing arm of the nonprofit Center for Investigative Reporting, into these modern-day fur trappers and their methods. The headline sums it up: “America’s trapping boom relies on cruel and grisly tools.”
Firts and foremost trappers have used legholds for centuries. Cruel and grisly tools, to me a cruel and grisly tool are diseases and predation on endagered species! Without trapping endangered bird would suffer greatly, and overpopulation and disease would be rampant.

     "What I discovered was a world of stunning scenery and searing pain, a landscape where bobcats and other animals are captured with a device so hazardous that it is outlawed in more than 80 nations, from Austria to Zimbabwe: the steel-jaw trap.
Traps work by slamming shut on the paw or leg of an animal and holding it until a trapper arrives. Often, they are instruments of torture. Bones can be broken. Tendons are torn. Flesh is frayed. Some animals break free by chewing or twisting off a paw or limb."
     Lies, lies and more lies, who cares if countries have outlawed them. This is the United States, should we adopt all the rules and regulations of these countries. Here arises our sovereingty and an issue much greater than trappers right, our national sovereinty. The United Nations will try to outlaw trapping as fast as you can blink. Globalism is rampant and a major issue.  Many times animal's foot is completely unharmed, and the lies spread that they bite their feet off is grossly exagerrated and rarely happens now.
The article also says that theu fur industry is doing well. Actually it is doing about as bad as ever. I sold 13 raccoons for pocket change! This was just an outright lie!
If you are sick of hearing lies about trapping. Please join me and hold you ground against the antis and their quest to bring trapping down. Please comment, email or contact National Geographic on their outrageous article.
Thank you

Monday, March 7, 2016

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

     When you hear terms such as (but not limited to): Ethical, Protection, Safety, Protection, Green, Biodiversity and Humane, you see these terms as good things. They are in reality good as along as they are without bias or political motive. The problem though is when shrouded with ignorance, these words are used against trappers.

     When you hear of a bill to "protect children", make sure its not anti-trapping.... Yes there are bills that call the banning of traps as an act to protect children. In Connecticut Alfred Camillo (a Republican!) sponsored a bill to:

" ban all foothold traps within 100 feet of any school or day care property, state park, municipal park, municipal playground, public road or highway, public boat ramp, public campground, rest area, public picnic area, blazed trail, or state hiking ground."

     The bill under the disguise of child safety is being used to restrict trapping in certain areas. Unless their bear traps, even a #3 will not hurt a person if stepped on! The fact that trappers rarely put traps near places where people are going to walk on does not seem to evade the ignorant lawmakers who sponsor these bills!

Also the ads these antis put only tells half the story:

What about this picture, why don't the antis use these:

This sheep has two options: Die a slow and painful death or Die a slow and painful death

What about diseases that can wipe out whole communities of furbearers that are in correlation with overpopulation and poor management.

Or species that would go extinct if proper management of furbearing species was not done!

     Trapping is a great way to manage and control these species to further enjoy them in the future. The anti-trapping movement uses emotional appeal and no facts. We have the facts, us as trappers must inform the public and lobby to protect our outdoor culture!


About This Blog

     There are around 300,000 trappers in the United States, if you calculate it that is 0.0001 percent of the overall population! What does that mean for trappers?

If the trappers don't stick together, the Left and "bunny-huggers" could easily do away with our right to trap! Already in many states trappers constantly face threats from antis to ban their way of life. The good news trappers do stick together and fight, joining a trappers association really helps, you meet people who trap and you can learn a lot.

Even on the Right, there are not many politicians who run on the protection of trapping. So us trappers need to make our voice heard, and remind our state and federal legislators that we are active and wish to preserve our traditions!

In this blog I will like to post sample letters, news on trapping or any other related topic and provide a visual of how to protect our traditions!