From their website
" The Sierra Club...will take take no position on immigration levels."
When it is obvious, high levels of immigration are having a negative effect on the environment, particularly by causing urban sprawl.
As Numbers USA points out in their Open Spaces Study read it here. Also note this qoute which was on the Numbers USA website by John Flicker (Audobon society),
" Human Population growth is the most pressing environmental problem facing the U.S and the world."
The Sierra Club which takes no stand on this pressing issue should be delegitimized, sources also say that they were paid by open borders people to stay silent on the issue.
Not surprisingly, the Sierra Club is anti-trapping,
"Sierra Club considers... traps and snares to be ecologically indiscriminate"
They do however recognize the "indigenous people" right to trap (which I do too), but Whitey can't trap nor a black man or even a half Gypsie and half Chinese!
The Sierra Club is an open borders, racist, anti-trapping club. Traps and snares if done right are rarely indiscriminate.
According to most biologists and many organizations such as The Wildlife Society and Conservation Fund. that recognize the ecological components of trapping. Trapping is a completely legitimate management tool. Read it the Wildlife Society's Statement on it here.
or the qoute from this document here.
"Trapping can instill a strong appreciation for wildlife and the environment."
The Sierra Club is an anti family, open borders that opposes trapping this just proves its inadequacy and corruptness.
Email them your them disagreement!
Thank you! God Bless!
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