Sunday, May 8, 2016

Trump's victory as Republican Nominee gives us Hope for America

     As Donald Trump swept Indiana in landslide victory defeating Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich( who won one state). This gives us hope that lobbyists and special interests can be defeated. Just 11 months ago, columnist Ann Coulter was ridiculed by Bill Maher for predicting Trump's victory as Republican nominee.

     As the Left continues to villify working class Americans, religious right, hunter and trappers.  
Its is quite a relief to see presidential candidate Donald Trump become the Republican nominee. The Donald who advocates a non-interventionist foreign policy, may secure better relations with Russia(a major fur buyer). Plus his pro-American trade views which include tariffs, could actually move Americans to buy more American fur instead of the imported cheap Chinese mink fur.

      Anti-trapper societies are on the move everywhere to destroy YOUR rights as a trapper. Dont let it happen in your state. Write to your representatives, work in coalitions and press hard to defend our trapping  heritage.

Donald Trump (R) 
© Isaac Brekken/Getty Images