Monday, June 27, 2016

Why Christians Should Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement

     In this post, I will use purely Biblical concepts on why as Christians (and Trappers) should oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement.

1.  But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."  James 5:8"
     There are many sources that claim the disturbing amount of possible terrorists that could sneak in 
with the refugee program. Not only that, the FBI has said we cannot properly vet them! There has also been an increase of sexual assaults in European countries( and some cases in the USA) caused by refugees. Not to mention the fact that many aren't even Syrians, but from other countries carrying fradulent passports. We are commanded to care for our family, and in a way our fellow citizens are extended family. One bad apple is one bad apple too many.  Source here

2.     "Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do" Galatians 2:10
     Cultural Marxists and neocons often forget the poor, in their "crusade" to overwhelm this country with immigrants! There are millions of unemployed Americans out there, and we wish to bring in boatloads of these refugees! Wages have plummeted for the working class, and unemployment for young adults is 32% and for Americans with only a high school degree is 21% and for Black Americans with only a high school degree is 30% and for all Americans the REAL numbers show its 18% unemployment! Not to mention the economic burden these refugees are by basically getting on welfare the moment they get off the boat. Let's first care for poor Americans, or do they not matter. Sources-here and here and here. Remember the poor are not just in a foreign countries, there could be one right next door!

3.     "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." Matthew 7:15
     As we all know President Obummer is making a point by accepting Muslims over any other religious minority, especially Christians. In fact most of these refugees are not escaping terror, but come here for economic reasons (which is why they try to go to the welfare states like Germany and not Greece). Also read these stats they are scary; 31% are pro ISIS, 10% consider radical Islam a problem, and of course most support sharia law, which has killed more of God's people than terrorism! Sharia Law is anti-Christian and anti-American, just like in the Angry Birds movie they may seem safe to some but in reality they are ravenous wolves. Even accepting many Christian refugees may be a problem because as Rick Santorum has pointed out, "I'm not for bringing these refugees in because by doing so we actually help ISIS accomplish what they want," he says. "There are people that are being relocated because ISIS doesn't want them in the region anymore — and many of them are Christians, many of them are ethnic minorities or moderate Muslims — and they're driving them out and we're helping them by relocating them to America so they'll never return to that region of the world." Jesus commanded us to go out into all nations and to have Christians in every corner of the Earth, not just in America.  Sources here and here.

4.     " Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." Genesis 11:7 
     When you read the story of the Tower of Babel you don't get this Cultural Marxist, "multicultural paradise." You get the opposite, the anger of God against this new Globalist government at the Tower of Babel. He was not ready yet for all of mankind to be under one government and one people. He knew the importance of borders and nation states. To allow refugees who are against our values and cultures is completely against what God did at Babel.  Sources; Common Sense. 

5.      " Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life". Galatians 6: 7-8
     Syria was once a beautiful country for religious freedom. It's President Bashar Al Assad was an Alawite, a religious minority himself, so he allowed religious freedom and did not persecute the Syrian Christians. In fact before the Syrian Civil War, Iraki Christians went as refugees to Syria! Obama, Republican war hawks such as McCAin and Graham and Secretary of Wichcraft Hillary Runawayitsawitch Clinton, have been so bent to please their false god of democracy, and have tried to topple Assad. They accuse him of many things one being spreading chemical weapons, which now evidence has shown that the "moderate" Syrian rebels were the ones using it! The United States and NATO has been so occupied with funding these "so called moderate rebels" to topple Assad, they have helped create the space for ISIS to grow into Syria! When we should work with Assad and Putin, we end up fighting the ones, fighting ISIS our enemy! I guess the saying "enemy of my enemy is my friend" doesn't happen here. The United States is partially responsible and we owe it to the Syrians to give them some help-particularly the Christians. As Senator Sessions said, "We are facing a humanitarian crisis of monumental proportions. In large part, it’s because the president has mismanaged the situation in Syria. He’s the chief executive, he is the commander-in-chief, the military does what he says. And this has not been good. It just has not been. It has caused danger. It has caused innocent people to be killed. It’s caused people to have to flee. And it has also allowed the surge of ISIS and al Qaeda-type terrorist organizations in Syria to be able to create an entire state of their own and to export their terrorism." and he also stresses the importance of creating safe zones for these people. The United States must reap what it sows, and create these safe zones. Sources here and here and here.

In conclusion us as a country and Christians, must seek what's best for our citizens and people, but we must also reap what we sow and create safe zones for the displaced Syrians. One important point for these refugee zones is that we need to segregate them by religion to ordain peace and stability for the Syrian Christians. So next time some Russell Moore type tells you your a bad Christians for being Anti-Islam or a Trump supporter or against refugee resettlement, show him the FACTS.

Pray, Educate, Vote Trump, and write to your Representatives and Senators the danger of these invaders! 

Sierra Club is a Fraud

     The Sierra Club whose motto is Explore, Enjoy and protect the Plante, seems to be a polar opposite of that said motto. One reason is that they refuse to take a stand on immigration.

From their website
               " The Sierra Club...will take take no position on immigration levels."
When it is obvious, high levels of immigration are having a negative effect on the environment,  particularly by causing urban sprawl.

     As Numbers USA  points out in their Open Spaces Study read it here.   Also note this qoute which was on the Numbers USA website by John Flicker (Audobon society),

                        " Human Population growth is the most pressing environmental problem facing the                                          U.S and the world."
The Sierra Club which takes no stand on this pressing issue should be delegitimized, sources also say that they were paid by open borders people to stay silent on the issue.

     Not surprisingly, the Sierra Club is anti-trapping,
                                        "Sierra Club considers... traps and snares to be ecologically indiscriminate"
They do however recognize the "indigenous people" right to trap (which I do too), but Whitey can't trap nor a black man or even a half Gypsie and half Chinese!

     The Sierra Club is an open borders, racist, anti-trapping club. Traps and snares if done right are rarely indiscriminate.
According to most biologists and many organizations such as The Wildlife Society and Conservation Fund. that recognize the ecological components of trapping. Trapping is a completely legitimate management tool.  Read it the Wildlife Society's Statement on it here.

or the qoute from this document here.

             "Trapping can instill a strong appreciation for wildlife and the environment."
The Sierra Club is an anti family, open borders that opposes trapping this just proves its inadequacy and corruptness.

Email them your them disagreement!

Thank you! God Bless!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Pray for Trump

     All Christians must come to terms, that we either unite for Trump or Hitlery will be elected. The Cruz Crew needs to wisen up and get over their "holier than thou" campaign, and endorse Trump. What all Christians need to do know is pray for this election, that a leader who cares about the right to life, Christians in the Middle East and who cares about our religious freedom comes to power.

In other words Let's Pray for Trump!

New York’s egregious “Stop and Frisk” law continues on without ...

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Brexit- A Triumph for Nationalism

      Although I am not a British citizen, I was quite interested in the Brexit referendum. As I watched it, I saw the fluctuation and in the sense a tug of war between the two sides in which finally a hope for a rise of beautiful nationalism throughout the Western World was set. This has planted a nationalistic seed, which hopefully will help carry Republican presidential candidate Trump to the presidency. The best leader of the world in my opinion endorsed Brexit-Vladimir Putin, and the next President of the United States-The Donald also did!

     Brexit is liked by the right people, and hated by the enemies of the Free World. Globalists, bankers, pundits, leaders and other evil anti-freedom globalists such as Hillary Clinton. George Soros who looks more like a villain off the Lord of the Rings, than an investor was also was against Brexit. The reason this gives me great hope is that just like Trump, who most "pundits" say he'll lose to Clinton. The media, pundits, world leaders, and even the Prime Minister David Cameron were against Brexit! It won though, which gives me hope that come this November. Once again Trump will shock the world, but instead this time win the Presidency!


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Time to Take Back California!

 As you may have heard California has banned bobcat trapping! Here is the link. We must take back California and show that we support the California trappers and we support both conservation and management of the Lynx Rufus! I have started a petition to reinstate bobcat trapping. Please sign this petition, if we get over 10 the website will promote the petition.

Thank you

Trump is NOT a Racist

     This is a very interesting video by two North Carolina Trump supporters. I agree with about 90 percent of what they have said, they brought some great points on a plethora of issues. They talked about how we are a republic not a democracy, about the issues of illegal immgrations and the problem with the liberal way of thought. They discuss the the lie, that the liberal media has spread since the day Trump announced his run a year ago and the media and liberals called him the r-word.

Racist- which now means a conservative winning an argument with a liberal. Racist is not a valid term anymore for most cases.

Thank you
Trump On

Friday, June 17, 2016

My Letter to the Bill Kristol

     Dear Bill Kristol,

     You have been the motivating force for implanting a third party candidate against Donald Trump. You claim to be a great conservative, but you are helping Hillary Clinton win the White House. Mr. Trump may not be perfect, but he sure is the best option, and is one of the most patriotic and conservative candidates on the Republican side since Reagan. Conservatives have had to bite the bullet and vote for neocons and "conservatives" like Bush, McCain and Romney. Now we have a true conservative leader who will apoint possibly more than one justice on the Supreme Court. If you care about anything regarding gun rights, national security, controlling immigration, traditional marriage, Christians in the Middle East and the right to life, you would not hinder Trump's campaign by trying to convince people to run as a third party. Instead use your influence to help the Republican candidate beat Hillary Clinton, possibly millions of unborn lives are at risk.

Thank you
Let's Make America Great Again

You can copy paste and send it here


Why we have a Republic!

     We hear many times about the glory of having a democracy. Is that true though? Benjamin Franklin one of our founding fathers said this about democracy, "like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner". As a sheep farmer and a trapper myself, I can relate to this anecdote. There are many things the majority of Americans believe and if we had a complete democracy we would be in a catastrophe. In a pure democracy, if 51 percent of the population wants to enslave the other 49 percent, then it would be democratic. An example of poor democracies that do not work well for the minorities particularly Christians is in the Middle East.
     In the trapping world and fur industry, the issue is quite similar. Lucky for us, certain polls have shown an increase in the support of fur. As this article here points out,

     "The issue of buying and wearing fur was the question that should worry activist groups most. It saw a decrease in the amount of empathy Americans have for animals. In 2008, 54% of those surveyed thought it was acceptable to wear fur while 61% of poll takers in 2009 said it was O.K."

     If you notice this article was obviously anti-fur, for stating that people having empathy for  animals should be against fur. 

Try having empathy for this raccoon (not chupacabra) who suffers from a severe case of mange, many times caused by overpopulation.

I am quite glad that people have come around to their senses and are more pro fur. We should not stop educating the people on the importance of fur and furbearer conservation. The problem is that there is still harsh anti fur and trapping sentiment. In fact according to the animal right's  SJWs website BornFree USA, most Americans oppose trapping on wildlife refuges,

 "According to the survey, nearly four of five (79%) Americans are opposed to allowing trapping on refuges. Fifty-five percent are strongly opposed to the practice. Opposition crosses all demographic lines including among hunting households where 71% indicate disapproval of refuge trapping. The highest level of opposition to trapping is among the following groups: women, 18 to 29-year-olds, nonwhites, Democrats, nonhunters, city dwellers, and those living in the Southwest."

Although I may personally be opposed to hunting and trapping on a wildlife refuge depending on the circumstance, there may be times to manage a certain species on a wildlife refuge, especially when protecting wild endangered birds and other game.

Let's continue to educate people on trapping and furbearers! We can make the next poll show a 100 percent support for fur and furbearer conservation.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando Shooting- The Left is WRONG; We need a Muslim BAN

     On Sunday, a tragic slaughter occurred. A Muslim man entered a gay disco hall and killed 50 people, injuring 53. This is a tragedy, and it is sad to think many of the victims were living in the sin of homosexuality. At first the Left tried to paint this 29 year old Muslim man as a right winger who was homophobic. It recently "came out", he himself may have been involved in that sin. The Left looks pathetic now, the shooter was not a white Christian man, but a gay son of Afghan immigrants Muslim man!

     As President (Dictator) Obama and the Left call for more comprehensive gun bans. Donald J. Trump (Happy Birthday btw), calls on a Muslim immigration ban. This makes perfect sense!As Donald Trump keeps on stressing on the neccesity of having stricter Muslim immigration, people will understand the importance of electing him for the sake of our national security. Obama and Clinton blame inanimate objects such as guns, while Trump points out the problem with having 100,000 possible Muslim terrorists coming in every year.

     This issue is indirectly related to trapping and wildlife, Muslims coming in every year don't care squat about trapping and wildlife. In fact besides Israel, the Middle East gets a bad natural resources consumption score. As this article points out. Read this qoute from the article,

"And now for the usurpation of the world’s resources. On Twitter (follow me on Twitter), I follow a “Green UAE” group, only because I want to see what BS these Jew-hating apartheid frauds are claiming they do to pretend they are environmentalists. I don’t believe in this “Green movement” baloney, but I love how they claim to “care” about the environment soooo much, but Jews’ right to exist and Israel’s right to exist, not so much. Everything in proportion, right? Also, I’ve always laughed at these jet-setting oil-rich nations with their jet-setting lifestyles claiming to be “green” or environmentally-friendly. And guess what? My impression was correct. According to the 2012 Living Planet Report, produced by conservation agency the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), three Arab Muslim anti-Israel Gulf states top the list of the world’s greediest resource users (which was determined on a per capita usage basis):
1. Qatar
2. Kuwait
3. United Arab Emirates 

So much for accusing the “American White man” of being the pig. Nope, it’s the Arab Muslim man. The United States was number five.
In case you are wondering, Israel–or rather, part of it–was in the 40-somethings. But the least user of any resources is some newly concocted so-called “country” that the World Wildlife Fund calls “Occupied Palestinian Territories.”
This shows that Muslims care about as much about wildlife as they do women's rights and freedoms of religion.

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Wildlife Society Illustrates Raccoon Management Importance

     The Wildlife Society ran an interesting article, on raccoon's damage to endangered birds and turtles. It is a summary of a video by a "Science CafĂ©" talk, hosted by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. This video shows an in depth study of raccoon population dynamics, and even shows the damage they cause to certain species such as the piping glover and certain endangered sea turtles.

     Unlike some "Animal welfare" groups or Animal Rights SJWs, this video's speaker talks about the importance of sound management. Raccons are a very interesting species, and the video talks about different raccoon groups and their locations in order to asses their diets and other factors determining behavior and reproductive success. They even talked about some obese raccoons that live near the dumpsters.

     Anti trappers like to lie, and exagerrate the rare occasions unfortunate things happen. In the video they toss around different management ideas such as putting them down and contraceptives. The biologist was asked were the raccoons go when they remove them and she said, "raccoon heaven." My personal solution would be to hire a couple of experienced trappers during fur season.

I encourage you all to watch this video or at least the article. The Wildlife Society is a great alternative to the Humane SCAM Society.

Thank you

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Why American Heritage is Important to Trappers

          The Left has a number of traditions and holidays that they expect Americans to follow and put on the same level of American holidays! Or consider Obama's unbelievable qoutes on Islam, and his continuing War on Christianity.  The Left and many on the right (John McCain), are on a "jihad" against American traditions and Christianity. They demonize working class whites, and sometimes especially the SJWs or Social Justice Warriors who some in the "animal rights" department hate fur and trappers.

     Trapping has a long history on our North American Continent. American Aborigines had traps especifically made to catch beavers that involved no steel and were made like a wooden cage.

     French explorers such as Samuel Champlain, had deals and treaties with the aborigines to trade for fur. Soon the fur trade grew but sadly  poor management depleted species such as the beaver, but with conservation efforts they were brought back! English settlers also began to trap and trade fur, and in fact many cities were founded thanks to the fur trade i.e. Chicago and St. Louis.

     Trapping for fur has long been an American tradition, interestingly I ran across an article by the Animal Welfare Institute that published this, "While the World Moves On, US Still Caught in Its Traps."  This is a qoute from the article's introduction, 

"Although more than 85 countries have banned or heavily restricted the use of steel-jaw leghold traps, the United States—one of the world’s largest fur producing and consuming nations—continues to defend these inhumane devices."

There are trappers in other countries, the article was full of anti trapper lies that are easily debunked. I do tough find the tile flattering. I think its great that the United States is famous for partaking in a sound management and conservation practice!

Trap On!

If you would like to read the Animal Welfare Institute's article go to this link.

To contact and correct their biased anti Trapping point of view click here

Great video oulining the rise of the Trump Tsunami. This election will be a fight between globalist forces wishing to undermine our national identity, and the nationalist movement Trump has started that hopefully will provide our country with a people proud of their heritage and nation.

Hit the Polls this November and cast a vote for the USA.