Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Donald Trump Defends Hunters and Promotes Conservation

     Mr. Trump is known for many of his positions, particularly the ones revolving around immigration and trade. He did though take the time to do an interview with Field and Stream, learn about hunting and protect our rights and our wildlands. His sons being avid hunters, could educate Mr. Trump on conservation and management issues. He although, not knowing much about it personally, he is able to grow in his knowledge and give great answers to this interesting interview.

     As a trapper myself, I find it important to protect our lands. Although private ownership is great, there is a need for public land to be kept safe from industry and corporation. This land must be used for the people's outdoor recreation and for wildlife and land conservation. Many conservatives have forgotten the importance of conservation, even though they come from the same root word! Conservation is highly important, and Mr. Trump knows that. Also Donald trump is for cutting immigration, which if done will preserve our open spaces.

     Let's preserve our wildlife, land and traditions for generations to come!

“The hunters do such a great job — I mean, the hunters and the fishermen and all of the different people that use that land,” Trump continued. “So I’ve been hearing more and more about that and it’s just like the erosion of the Second Amendment. I mean, every day you hear Hillary Clinton wants to essentially wipe out the Second Amendment. We have to protect the Second Amendment, and we have to protect our lands.”
-Donald Trump 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

What Trump MUST do to Win

As dismal as this week's polls are, compared to the ones following the Republican Convention. Trump still has a chance, and many believe his possibility to win is higher than predicted. Although, there are ways he could increase his possibility to win!

1. He needs to keep his Momentum
     Trump has been known to often have less discipline with what he says, but also consider that his mouth and straight talk has brought him this far. Trump many times needs to follow his gut and also add some discipline to his rhetoric. That is why I was baffled, that he actually endorsed Paul Ryan over competitor Paul Nehlen, who agrees with him on most issues.

2.  He cannot double back on his values
    Donald Trump started strong because of his strength and faith to his values and issues he brought up, he needs to stick to them. His restrained foreign policy, his realism of Middle Astern regimes, fair trade, sensible immigration and many more positions. His proposal to halt Islamic immigration, he CANNOT back donw on that, most Republicans and even many Democrats agree.

3. Fire all Establishment Campaign Managers

   As Michael Savage has pointed out, it seems like his campaign managers have been bringing him down, instead of helping him out. He needs to listen to advisers like Sessions and Miller, these people truly want to win and Make America Great Again.

4. Expand the White Vote, Evangelical and Working Class Minorities

     There are millions of white voters who have voted Democratic or dont vote at all, that Trump can and should appeal to. These are the Rust Belt people who see their jobs taken away and outsourced to China, the poor coal miner who Hillary threatens to take his job away and to highly regulate it. These are the people who see Trum, and believe he will bring jobs back to America. Trump may also appeal to the evangelicals, even though many dislike him, Trump must make ads that emphasize his hard work, famili dedication and his much more conservative views on social issues than the Democratic candidate. Trump must also prove that he will defend religious freedom and show that he is pro life to get these voters,he needs this tactic to court the Amish vote in key swing states.  Although many minorities dislike Trump, he should be able to expand the margin with the ones, who dont depend or  vote on the welfare and amnesty promises Clinton and the Democrats propose.

5. Have more Discipline

     Mr. Trump should not let himself be angered easily or trapped by the media's tricks. He needs to trudge along and keep on revealing the fraud Clinton is.

 Go Trump!!
 May God bless him!