Sunday, September 11, 2016

Why The Mainstream Environmentalists Ignore Immigration- We Are Deplorable!

     Every year we lose more green space, land that could be used for wildlife, farms and recreations is being paved over for housing, schools and roads. There is no sense of denying it, the main cause of our growth and sprawl is immigration. As NumbersUSA has proven, immigration is causing our Vanishing Open Spaces here is the link. The proof is staggering the fact that Hispanics have been responsible for over 50 percent of the growth is proven by the Pew Research. This may be the biggest environmental threat of this century.

    The question is why are these environmentalist groups not for immigration control! They have a Stalinistic way to purge the "green nativists."The main example that comes to mind is the Sierra Club. The reason is that they wish not to associate themselves with us the deplorable xenophobes! They are so afraid to be called racist, and have no scientific argument for not opposing immigration. Some even say that the reason is that now climate change is the new green issue. These people dont truly care for the environment, they just follow the fad. Immigration Restrictionism is a pro environment issue, and all environmentalists should be for it!
As Tancredo states,  true environmentalists may be drawn to Trump (or at least they should) for his stance on immigration control.

  All green liberals need to vote Trump, or by 2050 we may have over 450 million people, and a destroyed country!

Resultado de imagen para trees   

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